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Preschool Home

Pleasantdale Preschool

Pleasantdale Preschool is an inclusive preschool program available to children residing in Pleasantdale
School District. The early childhood program utilizes researched based curriculum and developmentally
appropriate methodologies to teach children ages 3-5 years. Learning is best facilitated in this age group
through hands-on, interactive experiences. Pleasantdale staff members strive to engage and challenge
early learners at various stages of developmental growth.
The program focuses on developing skills in six areas found to have the greatest impact on future learning
and school success. Student progress is measured in the following areas:

  1. Social-emotional learning
  2. Cognitive skills
  3. Language skills
  4. Literacy skills
  5. Math skills
  6. Physical development (gross and fine motor)

Development of skills is embedded in the curriculum throughout the school day with a variety of small
and whole group activities. The program utilizes daily learning centers to teach, reinforce, and
individualize skills to meet the unique needs of each student. Learning centers include:

  • dramatic play
  • blocks/manipulatives
  • art/drawing/writing
  • sensory
  • science
  • toys/games
  • library

Each classroom is taught by a certified early childhood teacher and supported by instructional aides,
speech and language therapists, occupational and physical therapists, and social workers. Services are
integrated in the classroom to provide additional support to all students